About Us
The Sonya Marie Academy of Dance was established in 2007 and is near Darlington town centre.
We offer a variety of fun and inspiring dance classes for girls and boys from the age of 2.5 years to adult.
Classes can be taken for pleasure or to work towards graded examinations. Classes are taught by Miss Sonya, the principal, with help from other qualified dance teachers.
We follow the International Dance Teachers Association (IDTA) syllabus for all exam work. Workshop classes are held throughout the year which cover a wide range of subjects including different dance styles, singing, drama and cheerleading.
We stage a production in a local theatre every two years and we are regularly invited to take part in dance competitions throughout the region and to perform in professional shows.
We want to introduce students to all forms of dance as a fun and enjoyable experience, whilst maintaining traditional discipline. We want our pupils to build confidence and gain a sense of achievement through their learning as well as developing listening and group work skills. Above all we want to develop, in all of our pupils, an awareness of their bodies and their surrounding space through coordination, strength, flexibility, fitness, grace, musicality and freedom of expression.
Code of conduct
Everyone will be treated equally regardless of their ability
Correct uniform must be worn in each dance subject with hair in a bun for all classes
No jewellery
No responsibility will be held for the loss or damage of personal belongings so please make sure all uniform is clearly labelled including shoes
Please make sure we have your up to date contact details
If for any reason your child cannot attend their class please let us know. Missed classes must be paid for. If your child does not attend three consecutive sessions without notice it will be presumed that you have left the school and your child's place will become available
From time to time a teacher will need to correct your child physically so they can feel where their body should be, if you do not wish a teacher to touch your child please let Miss Sonya know.
Quality assurance
All teaching staff are fully trained and qualified, we hold current DBS certificates and have first aid training. We adhere to GDPR laws and all details are held under password protection and will not be shared.